Module 2 Training Course
Defining Empathy
A Way of Being for a Better World

Project Description: Design a Training Course/Workshop on the Definition of Empathy. This is a brainstorming and planning site for developing this course. It is in development.

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Defining Empathy - A Way of Being for a Better World


  • Why This Course?

  • Objectives

  • Prerequisites

  • Time Requirements

  • Reading List

  • An Open Sources Training

Session 1: Defining Empathy: A Way of Being Model

      • Description: In the first lesson we hear from all the attendees why they are interested in the course. We give an overview of the course and what we will do in each lesson. We explain the definition of "Empathy as a Way of Being" and how it is made up of different facets. We ground this definition model in the Empathy Circle practice. Each facet is mapped onto the experience in the Empathy Circle.

      • Activity: Empathy Circle. We then go into an Empathy Circle to hear what each attendees definition of empathy is, and how their definition specifically maps onto the experience and different aspects of the Empathy Circle. We meet attendees where they are and give them a chance to share and be heard on their understanding of empathy.

      • Defining Empathy Session 1: Overview & Outline

      • Defining Empathy Session 1: Presentation

      • Notes Page - Gather ideas, notes, etc. about this Topic and Session here.

      • Team: Edwin,

Session 2: Other Oriented Empathy

      • Description: In this lesson we describe other oriented empathy. This is empathy as described by Carl Rogers. We show how this is expressed in the Empathy Circle. The Active Listener is empathizing with the Speaker. The Silent Listeners are silently empathizing with the speaker and others in the circle.

      • Activity: Empathy Circle. (what to do as an activity here?) perhaps just another empathy circle to discuss. perhaps model silent empathy, active empathy, etc.

      • Defining Empathy Session 2: Overview & Outline

      • Defining Empathy Session 2: Presentation

      • Notes Page - Gather ideas, notes, etc. about this Topic and Session here.

      • Team: Edwin,

Session 3: Self-Empathy

      • Description: We describe self empathy. Sensing and feeling into ones own feelings and experience. Discuss Focusing as a process for feeling in. NVC self empathy for Feelings and Needs (values, desires, feelings we desire)

      • Activity:

      • Defining Empathy Session 3: Overview & Outline

      • Defining Empathy Session 3: Presentation

      • Notes Page - Gather ideas, notes, etc. about this Topic and Session here.

      • Team: Edwin, Colin

Session 4: Imaginative Empathy

      • Description: We discuss how we use imagination to imagine different situations. Dreams, fantasy, imagine self in the future, imagine being someone else as them in a situation, imagine being yourself in someone else's situation, perspective taking, acting. You can act out different people, things, etc. in the Empathy Circle.

      • Activity: Empathy Circle Role Plays. We role play 3 different scenarios. Imagine these different situations and a role play them. Being a feeling. Being people in conflict. - TBD.

      • Defining Empathy Session 4: Overview & Outline

      • Defining Empathy Session 4: Presentation

      • Notes Page - Gather ideas, notes, etc. about this Topic and Session here.

      • Team: Edwin, Violeta,

Session 5: Relational Empathy

      • Description: Our attention can be placed on an individual, a dyad, a group, a family, a larger group, a community, a city, a country, a world, a culture, etc.. We can empathize with each of these. Usually empathy is described from an individualist perspective. That is an individual empathizing with another individual. We can be aware of the other and of the group.

      • Activity: Empathy Circle. Discuss the feeling of the group of people in the Empathy Circle.

      • Defining Empathy Session 5: Overview & Outline

      • Defining Empathy Session 5: Presentation

      • Notes Page - Gather ideas, notes, etc. about this Topic and Session here.

      • Team: Edwin,

Session 6: Blocks to Empathy

      • Description: We review the blocks to empathy. We review a series of different blocks to empathy. We have a foundational empathic capacity that can be blocked by judgement, fear, anxiety, etc.

      • Activity: Demonstrate different blocks. Speaker shares something, instead of reflecting the listener gives a block.

      • Defining Empathy Session 6: Overview & Outline

      • Defining Empathy Session 6: Presentation

      • Notes Page - Gather ideas, notes, etc. about this Topic and Session here.

      • Team: Edwin,

Session 7: Compare Other Empathy Models

      • Description: We compare the Way of Being Model to the Affective/Cognitive Model and some other models like the Compassion Model.

      • Activity:

      • Defining Empathy Session 7: Overview & Outline

      • Defining Empathy Session 7: Presentation

      • Notes Page - Gather ideas, notes, etc. about this Topic and Session here.

      • Team: Edwin,