
Shannon Meeting

  • Elections

  • Want to focus on Definition, Course and Nonprofit.

  • Definition Course

    • Get more people involved.

Notes on Defining Empathy Draft Article


Good to start getting it down on paper. Gives us something to work with.

There are multiple definitions of empathy.

I see it as a new definition model.

  • Current definitions are variations of Affective/ Cognitive/ Concern Empathy

    • Problems with this model?

  • Empathy/Self Empathy/ Imaginative Empathy/ Relational Empathy

    • Foundation is Carl Rogers.

  • Defining Empathy in the context of the Empathy Circle.

Edwin - co-developer of the Empathy Circle.

Against Empathy - wouldn’t focus on this

  • Rather lay out our definition first then compare it to other models.

  • Davis (1980) called personal distress empathy. Wouldn’t it be an emotional contagion.. Taking on the feeling state of the other person?

    • As an example,

      • if the client of a therapist is angry, the therapist would get angry

      • if the client of a therapist is angry, the therapist would get angry

      • If a person shares with another friend and is angry, the friend would get angry

      • If a person shares with another friend and is sad, the friend would be sad

Ones own history

Defining Empathy in the Context of the group level - Empathy Circle.

We used Dyadic Empathic Listening but not the full Empathy Circle for the discussion.

Empathy can be defined from different perspectives.

  • Individual

  • Dyad

    • Therapeutic -

    • Relationship -

  • Group.

Ongoing Ebb and flow of feelings.