Lesson 7
Compare and Contrast
Other Empathy Models



  2. START LESSON: Welcome

  3. Check-in

  4. Q and A

  5. Presentation

  6. Empathy Circle - Exercises

  7. Full Group Debrief (30 min)

      1. Share Insights and Learnings from Exercises

      2. Review What We Did in Todays Lesson

      3. Give Assignments

        1. Session Feedback Form and Evaluation

        2. Empathy Buddy Call

        3. Reading assignments.

      4. etc.

Evaluating Other Uses of Empathy in Articles, etc.

Development Notes (notes for developing the lesson)

    • review existing articles, videos, comments, papers out on interview. How are they defining empathy?

    • I'm creating a table that

    • Form a team of 3 and review an article together. write up and present an evaluation.

        1. how is the article defining empathy?

        2. especially also look at articles that are critical of empathy.

    • Review the spreadsheet. I'm creating a table so you can check off what a person is calling empathy.

    • Evaluate Different Models, the;

      • Affective-Cognitive-Concern Empathy Model

          • Affective Empathy: often defined as an emotional reaction.

            • Role Play: Sympathy

            • Role Play: Empathic Distress - Personal Distress

            • Role Play: Empathic Fatigue - Compassion Fatigue - Fatigue

            • Role Play: Emotional Contagion

            • Role Play: Empathic Fatigue - Joy

          • Cognitive Empathy

            • Perspective Taking - Imaginative Empathy

            • Imagine Self/Other - Imaginative Empathy

      • Problems with this model

          • dualistic - outdated dualistic model that pits feelings against reason

              1. can't separate them

              2. reason has a feeling.

              3. Activity. go around and share what does reason feel like?

      • Against Empathy Model

          • Role Play: Emotional Contagion

          • Imaginative Empathy

    • What are the different categories of articles?

      • Related to compassion

      • Empathy in business

    • Exercises

      • Cognitive Empathy

      1. Other Oriented Empathy

          1. this is what we do in the empathy circle.

          2. One person speaks and the listener empathizes with the Speaker.

      2. Role Play: Imagination

        1. take on a role

    1. Affective Empathy - is a reaction.

      1. this starts with empathy. but turns into a relation.

      2. Role Play: Sympathy

      3. Role Play: Concern

      4. Role Play: Empathic Distress - Personal Distress

      5. Role Play: Emotional Contagion

      6. Role Play: Empathic Fatigue - Joy


Each Person Creates a Model

  • Lou Augusta

  • Arthur Clark

  • Mark Fagiano

There are some common ones.. Cognitive /Affective is one

  • Ground it in the Experience of the Empathy Circle. The empathy circle is a practical and effective process for supporting wellbeing. So I want to define empathy in the context of the empathy circle. It can help with making the structure, processes and values in empathy circle more effective in supporting well being.

  • Problem - Dualistic thinking - Mind versus Body.

    • Mind is a felt experience - what does your reason feel like?

  • Cognitive

    • Role Play -

    • Imaginative Empathy

  • Affective

    • Role Play - Empathic Distress

        • create circle diagram

    • Role Play - Emotional Contagion

        • create circle diagram

    • Role Play - Sympathy

    • Role Play - Empathic Concern

Edwin's Table.

Using Alison's table.

Other Models of Empathy Comparison Table